Yew (Taxus) - genus of flowering plants in the family Taxaceae, whose representatives are present in Europe, Asia, northern, eastern and south-east, north-west Africa, and North America (in the south reaching El Salvador). In Poland it grows in the wild only one species - yew (Taxus baccata). In total, the genus is distinguished by 7-9 little different species, similar to each other so that by some taxonomists described as a subspecies within a single species - yew. These are plants and trees usually dioecious and without resin. All the species of the genus are toxic due to the presence in plants (except osnówek) taksyny alkaloid. Also contain diterpene called paclitaxel, also called Taxol, which is an anticancer medicine. Some species are grown as ornamental plants, and their hybrids, stands out hundreds of cultivars. The wood is heavy, hard, red-brown color and these reasons sought as raw material woodcarving and furniture.