Korean Fir
Fir » Korean Fir
We grows to a height of 8-10 meters and a width of 6 meters. Even young seedlings are tied numerous, beautifully colored cones, length of 4-7 cm, blue-violet, brown when ripe, covered with resin. He likes the position of moist, sunny or lightly shaded. Perfect for Christmas, is versatile: in small and large gardens in urban green areas and housing estates, especially recommended for small, home gardens. Is a tree very original and decorative, yet completely durable to frosts. In cultivation requires a sheltered from the winds and fertile and sufficiently moist substrate. Very showy, the tops of crowns are covered with numerous cones. Needles are dark green and shiny, from the bottom of the page chalky white, short (1-2 cm) thick, the apex slightly expanded, on top of a rounded or blunt indented, set thickly around the shoots. A characteristic feature of this fir is an early and very abundant setting cones, not only on the apical branches, but in the middle or even the bottom of the crown.